Our digital guides help you style, furnish, and personalize your home with expert tips and design rules that remove the guesswork.
Your go-to designer BFF, here to help you layer color, pattern, and personality into every room—whether it’s a full home or just one space.
Pull up a kitchen stool, sip on some iced coffee, and let’s tackle your home decor questions together.
You might be sitting there thinking…
1. Holy smokes, this room transformation is everything, but I could never make this happen on my own
2. Wow! I love this bold home vibe, but I don’t think it’s totally me
3. This is definitely a scroll stopper for IG, but is it really REAL LIFE practical?!
I can’t get enough of every one of these reactions [and every all-in response we’ve received!], as they meet every one of our goals for this project.
A few years ago, I stepped into the home of Nicole Regan of the Chicagoland-based Cedar and Rush lifestyle blog for the first time. This was after working with Nicole remotely on Designer Q&A blog posts and an inviting entryway project for her home! Peek our previous collabs together in the links below:
I was already familiar with her family’s personality-filled home. After discussing the design goals for their highly visible dining room, I was eager to take on the challenge. Our aim was to create a space that not only looked visually stunning, but that also felt like home.
While we wanted Nicole’s room refreshes to pop on your scroll, we more importantly wanted them to make Nicole and her super inviting family feel AT HOME and INSPIRED every time they walked in the door. We fully utilized Nicole’s collection of artwork and antique treasures that she had acquired over the years, but had never fully found the perfect home. We took leaps into selections that were a touch out of their comfort zones but paid off ten-fold in the personality-filled surroundings that evolved.
We followed Nicole’s vision from the first time she walked into her house. It was the most charming home on the block with its white cottage, black shutters, and red front door vibes. Nicole knew the interior had just as much potential, but life gets busy and it was not a priority to fully refresh things until MMDH came into their lives. The Calico team helped guide the process to ensure we were getting the most personalized visual and a highly functional end result for Nicole’s family.
Never be afraid to follow your own vision for your own home. That is the ONE key to giving your home PERSONALITY and function for YOU.
Lose the fear of never seeing it done before on Pinterest, or mixing up all of your favorite inspo finds into one space. Don’t be afraid to mix and match your favorite inspiration finds or experiment with new ideas. You have FULL PERMISSION to be creative and build a space that’s uniquely yours!
If you’re ready to live in a well-designed home that truly reflects your personality and style, our step-by-step guide, 3 Simple Steps To Create a Home You Love, can help. With an additional 15 pro tips to guide you, we’ll get pro tips for the process of styling your home, from prepping your space to sourcing accessories and making the most of every space.
By following our actionable tips, you’ll be able to create a home that not only looks great but also functions well for your family’s needs. Whether you’re starting from scratch or just looking to refresh your space, our guide provides the guidance you need to achieve a cohesive and inviting look throughout your home. Start sprinkling in your personality today and create a home you’ll love coming back to every day.
Our Pinterest boards are packed with fresh home inspiration and decorating tips to explore.
I love the hunt for diamonds in the rough, the art of styling unexpected combinations that speak to you, and the process of helping you curate a home that basically gives you a massive hug as you walk in the door.