Free Interior Design Guides For Your Home

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  1. Kathy Berkowicz says:

    I think you are beautiful and wonderful. I am a friend of your mother-in-law’s from her District 158 days and I knew your husband in when he was in middle school. I am in my 70’s and am not in the market to do much more around my home at this point beyond decorating for the seasons and buying new throw pillows. I love looking at your ideas, however, and enjoy your posts. Best of luck to you and your beautiful family!!!

    • Melissa says:

      Thank you so much, Kathy! This could not make me happier 💓 I love getting feedback from anyone who is taking in my thoughts on design… and life. It is so fun for me to get it all out there, and I always hope it’s a positive light in people’s days 🙌 Thank you for reading and sending this note! I shared it with Brian and Mimi 👋

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