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Let’s talk briefly about how to make your home design budget count, shall we?
It’s never super fun to design a room full of furnishings around a fixed budget, although that is no reason to give up on surrounding yourself with a well designed home.
The key is to adjust your purchases thoughtfully to accommodate your home design budget while evolving your design and ramping up your surroundings. The challenge can actually be fun, so let’s dive right into the easy-to-forget basics.
I love the concept of maximizing your budget when decorating your home, no matter what room you’re working on. If you are constantly challenging yourself to stretch your dollars, we’re going to walk you through how to get the most bang for your buck in home design. It’s all about finding smart ways to shop for impactful pieces of furniture that make a difference in each room of your home.
1. High-low Mix:
The high/low mix is a must to create an established AND approachable space. The more permanent items you touch every day deserve a higher budget number or a really detailed hunt (seating, lamps, rugs, occasional tables). The obvious low-cost items you can mix in thoughtfully are accessories and smaller furniture. Anything low touch can be a place holder for the time being (or forever), see #3 below.
There is no reason you can’t add a pricey throw blanket to the mix that makes your day every time you catch a glimpse of it, but save your budget for larger and/or fixed items that will get A LOT of use and aren’t going to be replaced for a LONG time.
2. Revisit Existing Pieces Where Helpful:
Creativity is key when you’re trying to create a space that fits your personality and style. Look around your home for existing pieces of furniture or accessories that can be used in a different way or alternate setting. Surrounding those things with new additions will give them a fresh look, feel, and purpose. Try to get as creative as possible with what you already have.
3. Phasing Options / Prioritizing:
The truest lesson I have learned this past year [and I think nearly everyone in my life is feeling right now] is that goals don’t come to life all at once. This is true for your home goals as it is with anything else. I challenge you to write down your home goals and create a priority list of what needs your attention (and home design budget) first.
Then work through your budget and decide what you can allocate for each piece of the higher priority puzzle. You will determine really quickly what you are willing to spend on every element of your space. This is an eye opening exercise that every homeowner with a home design budget should have in the works.
4. Don’t Limit Yourself:
You can stick to your budget, but don’t limit yourself with aesthetics. Your bolder choices will always cover more ground for you with your home design budget. If you can visually create much more interest with one design decision (a more saturated paint color) or item (a patterned chair fabric or bolder drapery panel fabric), it is likely to make a larger impact on your space than three neutral decisions that you could see in anyone else’s home. Think bigger!
If you are drawn to an odd trinket in a vintage shop or inherited a unique wall hanging from Grandma, it can ALWAYS work. Anything that tells a story, starts a conversation, makes you smile on the daily, deserves a prominent space in your home. Think outside the box.
Hang that quilt your Great Aunt Gertrude made to fill an empty wall… frame it in a unique way to make it feel more permanent and “you”! Let it be the first thing people ask you about as they walk in your front door. I can’t wait to hear what you make into something more!
I’m here to share ALL of my home design tricks of the trade with you, to save you the time and money of figuring it all out alone. Let me help you create a personality-filled thoughtfully designed home that has your friends and family raving!
The MMDH Furnishing Method is a clutch tool to walk you through all of the above, and soak in a couple of decades of my professional experience in six easy-to-follow modules. We’ve heard from our students that these lessons require the perfect level of time commitment with all else you have going on in your life, while getting really legitimate results.
The doors are open to The MMDH Furnishing Method now! Check it out in the link below!
If you‘re looking for more budgeting tips for your home design projects, check out this post:
Stretch Your Home Design Budget With a High/Low Mix
Our Pinterest boards are filled with fresh home inspiration and decorating ideas waiting for you to explore.
I love the hunt for diamonds in the rough, the art of styling unexpected combinations that speak to you, and the process of helping you curate a home that basically gives you a massive hug as you walk in the door.